Poster 017B | 5.1 | Akpan, A.E., Veeraswamy, K., Harinarayana, T. | Broadbased assessment of spatial distribution of crustal conductance anomalies in the Indian shield from magnetotelluric and gravity data |
Poster 277O | 5.1 | Antashchuk, K., Saraev, A., Lichachev, A. | Joint interpretation of MT, gravity and magnetic surveys along a regional profile (Chukotka Peninsula) |
Poster 025B | 5.1 | Bage, A.K., Maurya, V. P., Shalivahan, Singh, S., Tripathi, A. | Preliminary magnetotelluric results over Rajmahal traps |
Poster 260N | 5.1 | Ben Mansour, W., England, R.W., Moorkamp, M. | Crustal imaging across the Northern Scandinavian Mountains from seismological and magnetotelluric data analysis |
Poster 262N | 5.1 | Cherevatova, M., Smirnov M. Yu., MaSca WG | Geoelectric structure of the north-west Fennoscandian crust as inferred from magnetotelluric array. Magnetotellurics in the Scandes (MaSca project) |
Poster 001A | 5.1 | Cuma, M., Gribenko, A., Zhdanov, M.S. | Inversion of magnetotelluric data using integral equation approach with variable sensitivity domain: application to EarthScope MT data |
Poster 011A | 5.1 | Dong, Z., Tang, J., Unsworth, M., Chen, X. | Electrical resistivity structure of Northeastern China: Implications for the mechanism of craton destruction |
Poster 009A | 5.1 | Duan, J. | AusLAMP - searching Australia’s deep Earth |
Poster 270N | 5.1 | Garcia Juanatey, M. A., Juhlin, C., Ping, Y. | Broadband magnetotellurics for the study of orogenic processes |
Poster 328S | 5.1 | González-Castillo, L., Junge, A., Galindo-Zaldívar, J.,Löwer, A. | Sea influence of a narrow strait connecting a large ocean and a small sea on LMT data: Gibraltar Strait. |
Poster 250M | 5.1 | Ivanova, K.A., Pushkarev, P.Y., Rybin, A.K., Palenov, A.Y. | New geomagnetic and magnetotelluric studies of Issyk Kul depression (Kyrgyzstan) |
Poster 304Q | 5.1 | Kapinos, G., Brasse, H. | 3D conductivity image of the south-central Chilean subduction zone: Summary of Magnetotelluric studies between latitudes 38°-41°S |
Poster 326S | 5.1 | Löwer, An., Günther, T., Junge, A., Grinat, M., Hering, P. | Multi-method approach to analyze shallow anisotropic structures |
Poster 274N | 5.1 | Madarasi, A., Rádi, K. | Conductors in the crust in Hungary |
Poster 246M | 5.1 | Martí, A., Padilha, A. L., Pádua, M.B, Vitorello, I., Queralt, P., Ledo, J., Marcuello, A. | Geoelectrical structure of the lithosphere in the northern Paraná Basin (Brazil) |
Poster 324S | 5.1 | Montahaei, M., Habibian, B., Mansoori, I., Oskooi, B. | Electrical anisotropy investigation at a continental margin in the south-central Chile, employing WAL rotational invariants |
Poster 275O | 5.1 | Novák, A., Klébesz, R., Szabó, Cs., Wesztergom, V., Patkó, L., Liptai, N., Ádám, A., Semenov, V.Yu., Lemperger, I., Kis, A., Gribovszki, K. | Combined geophysical (magnetotellurics) and geochemical results for determination of the Lithosphere-Asthenosphere Boundary (LAB) beneath the Nógrád-Gömör volcanic field |
Poster 290P | 5.1 | Rao, C.K., Jones, A.G., Moorkamp, M., Weckmann, U. | Implications for the lithospheric geometry of the Iapetus suture beneath Ireland based on electrical resistivity models from deep-probing magnetotellurics |
Poster 272N | 5.1 | Rokityansky, I.I., Babak, V.I., Tereshyn, A.V., Sokolova, E.Yu. | Carpathian electrical conductivity anomaly (CECA): results and perspectives |
Poster 035B | 5.1 | Rosell, O., Marcuello, A., Martí, A., Unsworth, M. | The lithosphere in the Alberta province (Canada): considerations on the electrical anisotropy based on magnetotelluric data |
Poster 279O | 5.1 | Semenov, V. Yu., Józwiak, W., Kovacikova, S., Ladanivskyy, B.T., Nowozynski, K., Novak, A., Pek J., Petrishchev, M.S. | The modeling of the crust and upper mantle electrical conductivity around TESZ in Central Europe |
Poster 019B | 5.1 | Singh, S., Maurya, V.P., Tripathi, A., Bage. A.K., Shalivahan | Crustal structure beneath Chotanagpur gneissic complex |
Poster 292P | 5.1 | Slezak, K., Jozwiak, W., Nowozynski, K., Hoffmann, N., Brasse, H., | 3-D inversion of MT data to image the Variscan and Caledonian Deformation Fronts in NW Poland |
Poster 033B | 5.1 | Stefaniuk, M., Cygal, A., Mackowski, T., Sada, M., Figula, J., Gorecki, W. | Interpretation of sub-evaporatic and salt structures along Obrzycko – Zabartowo line based on magnetotelluric data supported by results of reflection seismic profiling |
Poster 300Q | 5.1 | Tank, S.B., Tunçer, M.K., Ogawa, Y., Honkura, Y., Çelik, C., Tolak-Çiftçi, E., Matsushima, M. | Three-dimensional resistivity structure of western Turkey by long period magnetotellurics |
Poster 027B | 5.1 | Taveira, D.T., Fontes, S.L., La Terra, E.F., Miquelutti, L.G., Figueiredo, I. | Some magnetotelluric images of Parana basin, Brazil |
Poster 248M | 5.1 | Vital, L., La Terra, E., Fontes, S., Miquelutti, L., Figueiredo, I. | Parecis basin characterization from magnetotelluric data |
Poster 288P | 5.1 | Weckmann, U., Toelg, D., Ritter, O. | Electrical conductivity of the Iapetus Suture Zone Scotland, revisited with 3D inversion |
Poster 302Q | 5.1 | Yamaya, Y., Mogi, T. | A comparative consideration of magnetotelluric 2-D and 3-D inversion using data observed in the Ishikari lowland, Hokkaido, NE Japan |
Poster 258N | 5.1 | Yan, P., Andersson, M., Juanatey, M.A.G., Shan, C., Kalscheuer, T., Pedersen, L.B., Malehmir, A. | 2D and 3D MT in the Alnö ring intrusion complex, central Sweden |
Poster 003A | 5.1 | Yang, B., Egbert, G., Kelbert, A., Meqbel, N. | Regional resistivity structure of North America Midcontinent Rift: preliminary results derived from 3D inversion of USArray magnetotelluric data |
Oral | 5.1 | Löwer, A., Junge, A., Tietze, K. | (An)isotropic 3D array magnetotelluric modeling of the south western Vogelsberg area |
Oral | 5.1 | Robertson, K., Thiel., S, Heinson., G. | The electrical lithosphere beneath the Flinders Ranges, South Australia |
Oral | 5.1 | Dong, H., Wei, W., Ye, G., Jin, S., Jones, A.G. | Magnetotelluric evidence of regional lithospheric modification in Ordos Block and adjacent area in North China |
Oral | 5.1 | Tada, N., Tarits, P., Kasaya, T., Baba, K., Suetsugu, D., Utada, H. | Three-dimensional electrical conductivity image of the mantle beneath the Society hotspot in the French Polynesia |
Oral | 5.1 | Baba, K., Tada, N., Liang, P., Zhang, L., Shimizu, H., Utada H. | Thermal and compositional variety of old oceanic upper mantle in northwestern Pacific revealed from marine magnetotelluric experiments |
Oral | 5.1 | Bedrosian, P.A. | Electrical resistivity structure of the Midwestern United States from EarthScope magnetotelluric data |
Poster 209L | 3.2 | André, F., Lambot, S. | Intrinsic modeling of electromagnetic induction antennas for improved estimation of soil properties |
Poster 291P | 3.2 | Börner, R.-U., Ernst, O.G., Güttel, S. | Three-dimensional transient electromagnetic simulation using Rational Krylov subspace projection methods |
Poster 323S | 3.2 | Cai, J., Li, Y. | 2.5D finite element modeling for time domain marine CSEM responses with topography |
Poster 289P | 3.2 | Cherevatova, M., Egbert, G.D., Smirnov, M.Yu., Kelbert, A. | A multi-resolution approach to 3-D EM modelling |
Poster 245M | 3.2 | Chernyshev, A.V., Kamenetsky, F.M., Trigubovich, G.M., Kuklin, A.V. | Induction and polarization field separation (modeling) |
Poster 034B | 3.1 | Chernyshev, A.V., Kamenetsky, F.M., Trigubovich, G.M., Kuklin, A.V., Kovalsky, Ya.F. | Induction and polarization field separation (case histories) |
Poster 257N | 3.2 | Egbert, G.D., Smirnov, M.Yu. | Development of a flexible object oriented 3D finite difference forward modeling code in MATLAB |
Poster 325S | 3.2 | Ermolin, E., Ingerov, O., Fox, L. | MTS and MVP data integration to estimate the 2D anomaly bodies parameters situated away from measuring profile |
Poster 276O | 3.2 | Feng, Y., Wu, X., Wang, W., Liu, Y. | Accelerating 3D geo-electric resistivity modeling using GPU cluster |
Poster 299Q | 3.2 | Geraskin, A., Kuvshinov, A., Pankratov, O. | New high-performance and scalable IE solver based on modern programming technologies |
Poster 249M | 3.2 | Grayver, A.V., Bürg, M. | Robust and scalable 3D magnetotelluric modeling using the goal-oriented adaptive finite-element method |
Poster 211L | 3.2 | Guillemoteau, J., Sailhac, P., Trules, J., Boulanger, C. | Fast 1D and 2D inversion of single offset ground loop-loop frequency domain electromagnetic data |
Poster 247M | 3.2 | Han, B., Hu, X., Schultz, A. | 3D forward modeling and 2.5D inversion of CSEM data: a synthetic study |
Poster 223L | 3.2 | Hyodo, D., Mikada, H., Goto, T., Takekawa, J. | Subsurface imaging of electromagnetic data by phase-shift method |
Poster 012A | 3.1 | Kamenetsky, F.M., Trigubovich, G.M., Chernyshev, A.V. | The geological medium induced polarization as an electromagnetic phenomenon |
Poster 301Q | 3.2 | Kordy, M., Cherkaev, E., Wannamaker, P. | Forward and inverse cross-frequency interpolation for magnetotellurics using adaptive model order reduction |
Poster 018B | 3.1 | Kruglyakov, M.S., Dmitriev, V.I. | On uniqueness in thin-sheet electromagnetic inversion |
Poster 259N | 3.2 | Kruglyakov, M.S. | On computing the volumetric integrals of the Green's tensor of the layered media |
Poster 213L | 3.2 | Kusuda, K., Goto, T., Mikada, H., Takekawa, J. | Fictitious wave domain analysis of marine CSEM sounding data |
Poster 026B | 3.1 | Kuvshinov, A., Bakker, J., Pankratov, O. | Electric phase tensors: revival of telluric method? |
Poster 028B | 3.1 | Kuvshinov, A., Poedjono, B., Matzka, J., Olsen, N., Pai, S., Samrock, F. | Marine induction studies based on sea surface scalar magnetic field measurements |
Poster 237M | 3.2 | Li, J., Hu, X. | 3D forward modeling for TEM based on electric field Helmholtz equation |
Poster 269N | 3.2 | Li, Y., Li. G., Xu, Z., Liu, Y. | EM fields from a finite-length electric source with general orientation in a layered Earth |
Poster 287P | 3.2 | Linjiang, Q., Changfu, Y. | Characteristics of MT responses in 2D conductivity anisotropic structures |
Poster 271N | 3.2 | Luo, M., Li., Y., Liu, Y. | 2.5D controlled-source electromagnetic modeling by an adaptive finite-element method with an arbitrarily oriented finite length dipole source |
Poster 261N | 3.2 | Mao, L., Wang, X., He, Z. | 3D EM responses of a vertical alternating current source in borehole |
Poster 221L | 3.2 | Moghadas, D., Engels, M., Schwalenberg, K. | Systematic multi-dimensional modeling and 1D inversion analysis of time-domain marine controlled source electromagnetic data |
Poster 004A | 3.1 | Mogilatov, V., Goldman, M., Persova, M., Soloveichik, Yu. | The influence of displacement currents on unimodal TE, TM and multimodal TE-TM fields |
Poster 010A | 3.1 | Mogilatov, V. | The influence of geomagnetic field on transient processes in the Earth |
Poster 233M | 3.2 | Pan, K.J., Tang, J.T. | Three dimensional direct current resistivity modelling by extrapolation cascadic multigrid method |
Poster 225L | 3.2 | Ren, Z.Y., Tang, J.T. | A goal-oriented adaptive finite-element approach for multi-electrode resistivity system |
Poster 303Q | 3.2 | Sarakorn, W., Siripunvaraporn, W. | Solving 2-D Magnetotelluric forward modeling using finite element method with unstructured quadrilateral mesh |
Poster 278O | 3.2 | Sun, H., Li, S., Li, X., Lu, X., Qi, Z. | Full waveform modeling of time domain electromagnetic in three dimensions |
Poster 235M | 3.2 | Tang, J., Yuan, Y. | MT2DFWD-A program in FORTRAN for finite element modeling of magnetotelluric TE/TM mode responses over 2D earth |
Poster 036B | 3.1 | Trofimov, I.L., Kruglyakov, M.S., Korotaev, S.M., Orekhova, D.A., Popova, I.V., Shneyer, V.S., Scshors, Y.G., Zhdanov, M.S. | A novel approach to asynchronous MVP data interpretation based on elliptical-vectors |
Poster 002A | 3.1 | Tzanis, A. | The characteristic states of the magnetotelluric impedance tensor for general conductivity distributions II: Analytic properties and utility |
Poster 273N | 3.2 | Wan, W., Tang, X. | Comparing with various definition methods of the apparent resistivity in horizontal electric dipole frequency sounding |
Poster 280O | 3.2 | Willkommen, G., Ritter, O. | CSEM forward modelling study to examine EM field behaviour and optimize land-based field configurations |
Poster 020B | 3.1 | Zorin, N., Alekseev, D. | On violation of dispersion relations: a method of MT phase correction |
Oral | 3.1 | Swidinsky, A., Li, Y., Edwards, R.N. | Imaging charge distributions from transient electromagnetic surveys |
Oral | 3.1 | Tzanis, A. | The characteristic states of the magnetotelluric impedance tensor for general earth conductivity distributions I: construction |
Oral | 3.1 | Rung-Arunwan, T., Siripunvaraporn, W., Utada, H. | A method to recover the background structure through the rotational invariants |
Poster 163J | 6.1 | Alekseev, D., Kuvshinov, A., Palshin, N. | Compilation of 3-D global conductivity model of the Earth for space weather and other applications |
Poster 141I | 1.3 | Becken, M. | Robust processing of radio frequency magnetotelluric data |
Poster 099H | 1.3 | Campanyà, J., Ledo, J., Queralt, P., Marcuello, A., Jones, A.G. | ELICIT: Estimation of local transfer function by combining inter-station transfer functions |
Poster 103H | 1.3 | Chave, AD | A maximum likelihood estimator for magnetotelluric data |
Poster 145I | 1.3 | Chen, J., Jegen-Kulcsar, M. | Magnetotelluric Study at Tristan da Cunha Hotspot |
Poster 085G | 1.3 | Epishkin, D. | Advances in remote reference data processing: using remote electric channels |
Poster 127I | 1.3 | Ernst, T., Slezak, K. | The external part of the vertical geomagnetic field as the main criterion for data selection to estimate the reliable long-period geomagnetic and MT transfer functions |
Poster 113H | 1.3 | Escalas, M., Romano, G., Queralt, P., Siniscalchi, A., Balasco, M., Ledo, J., Marcuello, A. | Identification of cultural noise sources and geomagnetic signals in magnetotelluric data, from the polarization analysis of the MT time-series in the time-frequency domain |
Poster 115H | 1.3 | Hering, P., Junge, A., Löwer, An., Löwer, A. | Audiomagnetotelluric data analysis: elimination of high-frequency noise in AMT- time series |
Poster 167J | 6.2 | Heyner, D., Liebert, E. | The induced magnetic field at planet mercury |
Poster 089G | 1.3 | Korepanov, V., Ladanivskyy, B., Leonov, S. | New user-friendly program for field data processing |
Poster 045C | 1.2 | Kozhevnikov, N., Helwig, S. | Very early time response of an ungronded horizontal loop: theory and experiment |
Poster 117H | 1.3 | Krieger, L., Peacock, J., Kirkby, A., Thiel, S., Didana, Y., Inverarity, K., Soeffky, P., Robertson, K., Rees, N., Conway, D., MacFarlane, J. | MTpy - Python tools for magnetotelluric data processing and analysis |
Poster 143I | 1.3 | Larnier, H., Sailhac, P., Chambodut, A. | Induction of geomagnetic pulsations characterized by continuous wavelet transform |
Poster 073F | 1.2 | Lemperger, I., Wesztergom, V., Menvielle, M., Szarka L., Bencze, P., Novak, A., Szendroi, J., Kis, A., Lethy, A. | Theoretical electromagnetic impedance as function of ionospheric pulsation source geometry |
Poster 165J | 6.1 | Lemperger, I., Wesztergom, V., Menvielle, M., Szarka, L., Bencze, P., Novak, A., Szendroi, J., Kis, Á., Lethy, A. | Modulation of the surface impedance: effect of geomagnetic activity |
Poster 061D | 1.2 | Lindau, T., Becken, M. | Impressed pipeline currents for EM exploration |
Poster 151J | 6.1 | Maksimov, M., Velimsky, J. | Ocean effect correction in global inversion of geomagnetic observatory data |
Poster 101H | 1.3 | Mardomi, H.,Moorkamp, M., Meshinchi M.S., Siahkoohi, H.R. | Colored noise removing from time series |
Poster 059D | 1.2 | Minami, T., Toh, H. | Electromagnetic fields induced by first arrivals of tsunamis |
Poster 149J | 1.3 | Nair, M., Narayanan, M., Schnepf, N., Chulliat, A, Larsen. J. | Signal-noise separation for magnetic monitoring of tsunamis |
Poster 081F | 1.3 | Neukirch, M., Galiana, S. , Garcia, X. | Non-Stationary, broadband waveforms for CSEM — An analysis with synthetic 2D data |
Poster 147J | 1.3 | Nzumotcha Tchoumkam, L.A., Giroux, B., Chouteau, M. | Predictive deconvolution applied to denoise magnetotelluric data |
Poster 083F | 1.3 | Platz, A., Weckmann, U. | Combination of a multiple-station approach for magnetotelluric data processing with a multivariate robust estimation |
Poster 161J | 6.1 | Püthe, C., Kuvshinov, A., Olsen, N., Sabaka, T. | Sensing the deep Earth: A 3-D image of mantle conductivity, obtained from satellite and observatory data with the Q-matrix approach |
Poster 043C | 1.2 | Rulff, P., Weckmann, U., Platz , A., Muñoz, G., Klose, R., Ritter, O. | High frequency and broad band remote reference station in northeastern Germany: conception and application |
Poster 075F | 1.2 | Schennen, S., Ritter, O. | High frequency MT data: understanding the “dead band” between 1 and 4 kHz |
Poster 051D | 1.2 | Scheunert, M., Börner, R.-U., Siemon, B. | Electromagnetic fields of a vertical magnetic dipole above and within a horizontal stratified earth in due consideration of the electrical permittivity |
Poster 053D | 1.2 | Schultz, A., Cosgrove, R., Bowles-Martinez, E. | Joint imaging of crust-mantle electrical conductivity structure and ionospheric currents in the interior of Alaska |
Poster 177K | 6.2 | Skalsky, A., Klimov, S., Sokolova, E., Popova, I., Pokhotelov, O., Egorov, I., Korepanov, V. | Magnetic measurements at the ExoMars landing platform |
Poster 087G | 1.3 | Tang, J., Zhou, C., Yuan, Y. | Characteristic and Rhoplus correction of audio-frequency magnetotelluric dead band data in middle-lower Yangtze River Reaches |
Poster 175K | 6.2 | Toh, H., Kumamoto, A. | Waveform analysis of reflected echoes of lunar radar sounder onboard the KAGUYA spacecraft |
Poster 131I | 1.3 | van Leeuwen, W.A., Becken, M., Schotting, R. | Magnetotelluric exploration of a geothermal prospect in Western Turkey: data processing |
Poster 153J | 6.1 | Velímský, J., Koyama, T., Shimizu, H., Püthe, C., Kuvshinov, A., Kelbert, A., Tarits, P. | A global 3-D EM induction inversion benchmark |
Poster 129I | 1.3 | Xiaobin, C., Juntao, C., Lifeng, W., Tao, Y. | Statistical image method based on multi-site, multi-frequency tensor decomposition for MT impedance tensor |
Poster 041C | 1.2 | Yegorov, I.V., Palshin, N.A. | Electric field at the bottom generated by surface waves |
Oral | 6.1 | Chave, A.D., Egbert, G.D., Kelbert, A., Erofeeva, S. | Mid-mantle Electrical Conductivity Estimation Using the Ocean Tides as a Source |
Oral | 6.1 | Kelbert, A., Egbert G.D., Sun, J. | Effect of the source approximation on the electrical conductivity model in global electromagnetics |
Oral | 6.1 | Velímský, J., Püthe, C., Olsen, N., Sabaka, T.J. | Global inversion of the CM5 dataset by the 3-D time-domain approach |
Oral | 4.1 | Hu, X., Xu, S., Peng, R. | 3-D imaging of conductivity distribution beneath Guangdong Xinzhou geothermal field (China) |
Oral | 4.5 | Börner, J.H., Wang, F., Weißflog, J., Spitzer, K. | 3D monitoring of a fluid-filled reservoir using CSEM, BTEM and DC geoelectrics - A multi-method virtual EM experiment |
Oral | 4.2 | Wang, S., Bastani, M., Malehmir, A. | Integrated use of radio-magnetotelluric and high-resolution reflection seismic data to delineate near surface structures – two case studies from Sweden |
Poster 062D | 4.1 | Amatyakul, P., Rung-arunwan, T., Siripunvaraporn, W. | Magnetotelluric surveys for geothermal exploration in Northern Thailand |
Poster 104H | 4.1 | Beka, T.I., Smirnov, M. | Magnetotelluric imaging on Svalbard: fitting data having anisotropic behaviour with 3D inversion |
Poster 060D | 4.1 | Blake, S., Jones, A.G., Henry, T., Kalscheuer, T., IRETHERM Team | A multi-disciplinary investigation of Irish warm springs and their potential for geothermal energy provision |
Poster 112H | 4.2 | Chandrasekhar, E., Ramesh, D. | Identification of salt water intrusion in coastal aquifers using multi-electrode Resistivity Imaging technique |
Poster 130I | 4.2 | Chen, B., Hu, X. | 2D-inversion of Magnetic Resonance Sounding with complex data |
Poster 082F | 4.1 | Coppo, N., Hautot, S., Wawrzyniak, P., Baltassat, J.-M., Girard, J.-F., Tarits, P., Martelet, G. | 3D magnetotelluric inversion with coast effect modeling to assess the geothermal potential of Anses d’Arlet (Martinique, Lesser Antilles) |
Poster 126I | 4.2 | Cortés-Arroyo, O.J., Romo-Jones, J.M., Gómez-Treviño, E., Brassea-Ochoa, J.M. | Continuous electromagnetic monitoring in the Mexicali rift zone, Mexico |
Poster 132I | 4.2 | Da Costa e Silva, L.M. | Natural disasters in the Amazon: how can geophysics contribute? |
Poster 074F | 4.1 | Delhaye, R., Jones, A.G., Brown, C., Reay, D., Smyth, A., IRETHERM team | New developments in Magnetotelluric modelling of the Rathlin Basin |
Poster 076F | 4.1 | Didana, Y.L., Thiel S., Heinson G. | Magnetotelluric imaging at Tendaho high temperature geothermal field in North East Ethiopia |
Poster 144I | 4.2 | El-Qady, G.,Elwaseif, M., Metwaly, M., Khozaym, A. | Imaging pipelines in resistive environments using Frequency Domain Electromagnetic method |
Poster 088G | 4.1 | Erdogan, E., Basokur, A., Bozkurt, E., Moorkamp, M., Avdeeva, A. | Interpretation of Kemaliye geothermal field using 2D and 3D MT inversion |
Poster 118H | 4.2 | Haroon, A., Tezkan, B., Goldman, M. | Development of the Marine Circular Electric Dipole Method to investigate resistive groundwater bodies in shallow marine environments |
Poster 102H | 4.1 | Lichoro, C. M. | Comparison of 1-D, 2-D and 3-D inversion approaches of interpreting electromagnetic data for geothermal prospecting: a case study of Silali geothermal area |
Poster 100H | 4.1 | Liddell, M.V., Unsworth, M. | Characterization of upper crustal electrical anisotropy in Northern Alberta, Canada from magnetotelluric data: implications for geothermal development |
Poster 054D | 4.1 | MacFarlane, J., Thiel, S., Peacock, J., Pek, J., Heinson, G. | Anisotropic modelling of fracking fluids |
Poster 140I | 4.2 | Mazzini Amaral C.N., Da Costa e Silva, L.M. | Urban geophysics: investigating the collapse of street sections in Belém, Pará, Brazil |
Poster 114H | 4.2 | Mekkawi, M., Ogawa, Y, Amatykul, P. , Arafa-Hemed, T., Atya, M.,Ragab, E. | Detection of reservoir water at Kharga Oasis-Egypt, using three dimensional magnetotelluric modeling. |
Poster 042C | 4.1 | Muñoz, G., Niasari, S.W., Muksin, U., Bauer, K., Nukman, M., Moeck, I., Ritter, O. | Geophysical exploration of the Sipoholon geothermal field (Sumatra, Indonesia): a statistical approach to joint interpretation of electrical conductivity and seismic parameters |
Poster 046C | 4.1 | Niasari, S. W., Muñoz, G., Ritter, O. | Subsurface conductivity image from 3D MT inversion of the Sipoholon geothermal field, Indonesia |
Poster 084F | 4.1 | Sailhac, S., Tartrat, T., Larnier, H., Schill, E. | Preliminary results of MT monitoring following a stimulation experiment at Rittershoffen in Soultz geothermal area, France |
Poster 098H | 4.1 | Schultz, A., Vincent, P., Urquhart, S., Beard, L., Hare, J., Rose, K., Bowles-Martinez, E. | Novel use of 4D monitoring techniques at Newberry volcano enhanced geothermal system demonstrator site designed to improve reservoir longevity and productivity |
Poster 128I | 4.2 | Siemon, B., Miensopust, M.P., Voß, W., Steuer, A., Bock, M., Ibs-von Seht, M., Meyer, U., Wiederhold, H. | Airborne geophysical surveys at the coastal areas of Lower Saxony, Germany: from river Weser to Eastern Friesland |
Poster 086G | 4.1 | Uchida, T., Sato, T., Takakura, S., Ueda, T., Abe, Y. | Effect of the survey coverage to 3D MT inversion results: case study at the Yanaizu-Nishiyama geothermal field, northern Japan |
Poster 116H | 4.2 | Ullmann, A., Kaiser, I., Günther, T., Steuer, A., Wiederhold, H. | Geophysical investigation at the Elbe estuary as basis for hydrogeological modelling |
Poster 090G | 4.1 | Vozar, J., Jones, A.G., Rath, V., Campanya, J., Blake, S., Delahye, R., Farrell, T., Pasquali, R., GT Energy, IRETHERM team | IRETHERM: Geophysical modelling of the southern margin of the Dublin Basin |
Poster 052D | 4.1 | Widarto, D.S., Atmojo, J.P., Kamah, M.Y., Silaban, M.S.L., Windarta, R., Ekoprasetyo, A.B., Purwantoro, T., Ahmad, A., Daud, Y., Grandis, H. | Three-dimensional magnetotelluric resistivity imaging of the Gede-Pangrango volcanic complex in western Java, Indonesia, and its geothermal significance |
Poster 142I | 4.2 | Zadorozhnaya, V.Y., Sainato, C.M., Losinno, B.N., Maré L.P., Chirenje, E., Marquez Molina, J.J. | Evaluation of contamination at a feedlot in San Pedro, Argentina, by means of electromagnetic methods: new approach |
Oral | 4.3 | Ermolin, E., Ingerov, O., Savichev, A. | Gold exploration in Chukotka region by using audiomagnetotellurics |
Oral | 4.3 | Hübert, J., Lee, B., Abbassi, B., Liu, L., Unsworth, M.J., Richards, J.P., Cheng, L.Z., Oldenburg, D. | ZTEM and MT in mineral exploration - Examples from the Canadian Cordillera |
Oral | 4.4 | Sherman, D., Constable, S. | Magnetotelluric sounding used to characterize basin geometry offshore Uruguay as an aid to frontier exploration |
Poster 169J | 5.3 | Abdel Zaher, M., Pirttijärvi, M., Korja, T. | Geophysical studies of the Raahe-Ladoga wrench fault in Central Fennoscandia |
Poster 123I | 5.3 | Adetunji, A., Ferguson, I., Jones, A. | Re-analysis of MT responses from the Grenville Front, Canada: no evidence of electrical anisotropy in the lithospheric mantle |
Poster 121I | 5.3 | Adetunji, A., Ferguson, I., Jones, A. | Large scale resistivity structure of the Grenville Province lithosphere |
Poster 111H | 5.3 | Barth, R., Weckmann, U. | Electrical conductivity distribution within the central zone of the Damara Belt (Namibia): Three-dimensional or anisotropic? |
Poster 133I | 5.3 | Bologna, M.S., Padilha, A.L., Vitorello, I., Pádua, M.B. | A major tectonic boundary in South American Platform imaged by GDS and MT data |
Poster 224L | 2 R | Bosch, D., Ledo, J., Queralt, P., Bellmunt, F., Marcuello, A. | Core scale study of the CO2-brine-sandstone system with electrical resistivity tomography |
Poster 173J | 5.3 | Boychenko, D., Pushkarev, P., Aleksanova, E., Kulikov, V., Lozovsky, I., Varentsov, I. | 1D and 2D inversion of magnetotelluric data on the western slope of the Voronezh anteclise |
Poster 222L | 2 R | Börner, J.H., Herdegen, V., Spitzer, K. | The dissolution-induced electrical properties of the system CO2 / brine / rock at pressures up to 30 MPa and temperatures up to 80°C |
Poster 107H | 5.3 | Campanyà, J., Ledo, J., Queralt, P., Marcuello, A., Muñoz, J.A., Liesa, M., Jones, A.G. | Eastern boundary of the partial melting area associated with the Iberian Subducted Lower Crust (IBSLC): Constraints from three different MT tensor relationships |
Poster 105H | 5.3 | Cembrowski, M., Junge, A., Löwer, A., Queralt, P., Ledo, J., Campanyà, J. | Ocean, subduction, asthenosphere - A 3D modeling study of the Pyrenees |
Poster 139I | 5.3 | Chaithanya, K.K., Naick, P.B., Vasudevan, G., Naganjaneyulu, K. | Dimensionality detection of magnetotelluric data of western Dharwar craton, India, using phase tensor analysis |
Poster 067E | 5.3 | Denghai, B., Unsworth, M., Jiwen, T., Xiangru, K., Xin, L. | How does the growth of the Tibetan Plateau affects the tectonics of eastern China? — Evidence from new MT data |
Poster 214L | 2 R | Epp, D., Ferguson, I., Craven, J., Jones, A. | Can magnetite in a serpentinite unit in the Fox River Sill, Manitoba, Canada quantitatively explain the enhanced conductivity in the unit? |
Poster 137I | 5.3 | Favetto, A., Pomposiello, C., Rocha Fasola, V., Garcia, R., Barcelona, H. | New Magnetotelluric data indicate a different north-western boundary of the Rio de la Plata Craton compared with geochronological interpretation, in NW Argentina |
Poster 238M | 2 R | Fuji-ta, K., Yamashita, S., Yoshino, T., Shimojuku, A., Wada, Y. | Electrical conductivity measurement of Rhyolite melt |
Poster 171J | 5.3 | Golubtsova, N., Kovtun, A., Kulikov, V., Lozovsky, I., Pushkarev, P., Smirnov, M., Sokolova, E., Shustov, N., Taran, Ya., Vardanyants, I., Yakovlev, A. | Lake Ladoga conductivity anomaly: pioneer and modern stage MT/MV studies across the Ar-Pt suture of the Baltic shield |
Poster 210L | 2 R | Hata, M., Uyeshima, M., Oshiman, N., Yoshimura, R., Tanaka, Y. | Thermal structure and melt fraction beneath Kyushu in the Southwest Japan Arc: Interpretation of the 3D electrical resistivity model by using network-MT data |
Poster 063E | 5.3 | Huang, Y., Hu, X. | The crustal structure of Qiangtang terrane, northern Tibetan plateau with electrical anisotropy |
Poster 057D | 5.3 | Israil, M., Pandit, S., Gupta, P.K., Varsheney, S.K., Sokolova, E., Mamoriya, P. | Application of Mohr circle to determine dimensionality and directionality in magnetotelluric data recorded from Uttarakhand, Himalaya, India. |
Poster 226L | 2 R | Jones, A.G. | Adherence to the Meyer-Neldel Rule in conduction in rocks |
Poster 234M | 2 R | Kirkby, A., Heinson, G. | Linking electrical and hydraulic conductivity through models of random resistor networks |
Poster 049D | 5.3 | Korolevski, W., Ritter, O., Weckmann, U. | Magnetotelluric study of the southern Pamir |
Poster 095H | 5.3 | Lauritsen, N.L.B., Matzka, J., Junge, A., Löwer, A., Rasmussen, T., Olsen, N. | A magnetotelluric study in north-west Greenland |
Poster 109H | 5.3 | Le Pape, F., Jones, A.G., Jessell, M., Hogg, C., Siebenaller, L., Touré, A., Boren, G., Ouiya, P., Mahamud, A. | Preliminary 2D results from a magnetotelluric survey crossing Burkina Faso and Ghana as part of the WAXI project |
Poster 079F | 5.3 | Le Pape, F., Jones, A.G., Vozar, J., Unsworth, M., Wei, W. | Estimation of crustal flow in northern Tibet based on multidimensional resistivity modelling |
Poster 097H | 5.3 | Litvinenko, V.S., Ermolin, E., Ingerov, O., Egorov, A.S., Zhamaletdinov, A.A. | Magnetotelluric investigation across the Kola Super Deep Hole area |
Poster 185K | 5.3 | Lozovsky, I.N., Varentsov, I.M., KIROVOGRAD WG | KIROVOGRAD experiment: Correlation of geophysical data at MT/MV profiles at the NW slope of the Voronezh Massive |
Poster 212L | 2 R | Löwer, An., Junge, A. | Influence of 3D anisotropic structures on bipole-quadrupole resistivity measurements |
Poster 236M | 2 R | Mandolesi, E., Moorkamp, M., Jones, A.G. | A study of the influence of conductive paths in randomly generated rocks |
Poster 055D | 5.3 | Matiukov, V.E., Rybin, A.K., Batalev, V.Y., Bataleva, E.A. | Deep geoelectrical structure of Pamir-Alai zone by magnetotellurical and magnetovariational data |
Poster 119I | 5.3 | Meqbel, N., Kapinos, G., Weckmann, U., Ritter, O., Jegen, M. | Electrical conductivity images across the Namibian passive margin: tectonic implications for the evolution of the Kaoko Belt, the western Kongo Craton and the Walvis Ridge |
Poster 155J | 5.3 | Naganjaneyulu, K., Chaithanya, K.K., Naick, P.B., Vasudevan, G. | Electrical conductivity structure of the Dharwar craton, India |
Poster 135I | 5.3 | Padilha, A.L., Vitorello, I., Pádua, M.B., Santos, A.C.L. | Evidence for subduction-related conductors beneath the central domain of the Borborema province, northeast Brazil, from 3-D inversion of magnetotelluric data |
Poster 069F | 5.3 | Rybin, A.K., Batalev, V.Yu, Bataleva, E.A., Mansurov, A.N., Matiukov, V. E. | On the relationship between surface and deep structures of the Central Tien Shan lithosphere by magnetotelluric and seismic data |
Poster 047D | 5.3 | Sass, P., Ritter, O., Ratschbacher, L., Tympel, J., Matiukov, V.E., Rybin, A.K., Batalev, V.Yu. | Electrical resistivity structure beneath the Pamir and Southern Tian Shan |
Poster 125I | 5.3 | Schultz, A., Bowles-Martinez, Wannamaker, P.E. | The North American Mid-Continent Rift – EarthScope investigations of deep lithospheric connections to the surface expression of failed rifting |
Poster 157J | 5.3 | Spratt, J., Dentith, M. C., Evans, S., Aitken, A., Lindsay, M., Hollis, J. A., Tyler, I. M., Joly, A., Shragge, J. | A magnetotelluric survey across the Kimberley Craton, northern Western Australia |
Poster 159J | 5.3 | Thiel, S., Hand, M., Soeffky, P., Heinson, G., Krieger, L., Robertson, K. | Imaging intraplate deformation with magnetotellurics |
Poster 183K | 5.3 | Varentsov, I.M., KIROVOGRAD WG | KIROVOGRAD experiment: Array MT/MV soundings at the Voronezh Massive |
Poster 093H | 5.3 | Vozar, J., Jones, A.G., Fullea, J., Agius, M.R., Lebedev, S., Wei, W. | Estimation of water within the lithospheric mantle of central Tibet from petrological-geophysical investigations |
Poster 065E | 5.3 | Xie, C., Jin, S., Wei, W., Ye, G., Jing, J., Zhang, L., Dong, H. | Electrical structure of crust and upper mantle beneath Gangdise belt in Tibet |
Poster 071F | 5.3 | Xin, L., Deng-Hai, B., Yong-Li, Y., Xiao-Bing, M., Xiang-Ru, K. | 3-D inversion of a long magnetotelluric profile in eastern Tibetan Plateau |
Poster 203L | 2 R | Yan, L., Xiang, K., Xie, X., Liu, X., Wang, Z. | Study on the induced polarization model in the exploration for shale gas in southern China |
Poster 077F | 5.3 | Zeng, S., Hu, X., Li, J. | Electrical structure of Qiangtang terrane using magnetotelluric studies |
Poster 091H | 5.3 | Zhang, L., Unsworth, M., Jin, S., Wei, W., Ye, G., Jones, A.G., Jing, J., Dong, H., Xie, C., Le Pape, F., Vozar, J. | Lithospheric electrical structure of the central Altyn Tagh Fault on the northern margin of the Tibetan Plateau |
Oral | 2 R | Hördt, A., Bairlein, K., Bielefeld, A., Bücker, M., Nordsiek, S. | On the origin of induced polarization in sediments |
Oral | 2 R | Jones, A.G., Afonso, J.C., Fullea, J. | Modelling the lithosphere constrained by topography, SHF, geoid, gravity, seismology and magnetotellurics within a self-consistent petrological-geophysical framework |
Oral | 2 R | Adao, F., Ritter, O., Spangenberg, E. | The electrical conductivity of Posidonia black shales - from rock samples to magnetotelluric exploration |
Oral | 5.2 | Naif, S., Key, K., Constable, S., Evans, R.L. | Quantifying outer rise hydration, sediment subduction, and hydrofracturing at the Nicaragua subduction zone with joint inversion of marine MT and CSEM data |
Oral | 5.2 | Feucht, D.W., Bedrosian, P.A., Sheehan, A.F. | Deep 2D conductivity structure of the Rio Grande Rift, New Mexico, USA |
Oral | 5.2 | Samrock, F., Kuvshinov, A., Fisseha, S., Bakker, J., Jackson, A. | Comprehensive MT study of the Aluto-Langano geothermal field, Ethiopia: absence of an active magmatic system below? |
Poster 068E | 5.2 | Araya, J., Ritter, O. | The active subduction zone in northern Chile monitored with magnetotellurics |
Poster 182K | 5.2 | Avsar, Ü., Çaglar, I., Tank, S.B., Kaya, T., Karcioglu, G., Iseven, T., Yakar, B. | Resistivity imaging of the tectonic structure at Isparta angle, Turkey by magnetotellurics method |
Poster 080F | 5.2 | Bedrosian, P.A., Schultz, A., Hill, G.J. | Imaging the magmatic plumbing beneath Mount St. Helens – the iMUSH project |
Poster 184K | 5.2 | Cengiz, Ö., Tank, S.B., Yakar, B., Ogawa, Y. | Two and Three-Dimensional Resistivity Structure at the Central Part of the North Anatolian Fault Revealed by Magnetotellurics |
Poster 066E | 5.2 | Comeau, M.J., Unsworth, M.J., Ticona, F. | Magnetotelluric images of magma distribution beneath Volcan Uturuncu, Bolivia |
Poster 156J | 5.2 | Hata, M., Uyeshima, M., Handa, S., Shimoizumi, M., Tanaka, Y., Hashimoto, T., Kagiyama, T., Utada, H., Munekane, H., Ichiki, M., Fuji-ta, K. | 3D electrical resistivity imaging by geomagnetic transfer function data based on the structure determined by network-MT data beneath Kyushu in the Southwest Japan Arc |
Poster 136I | 5.2 | Huang, Q.H. | Coupling characteristics of seismic and electromagnetic signals |
Poster 170J | 5.2 | Ichihara, H., Tada N., Baba, K., Kasaya, T., Ichiki, M., Kaida, T., Ogawa, Y. | 3-D electrical resistivity modeling using land and marine MT data in the back-arc area of the NE Japan subduction zone |
Poster 120I | 5.2 | Jiang, F., Xiaobin, C., Yan, Z. , Zhao, G., Hao, Y., Wang, L. | Sliding correlation analysis of electromagnetic field variations related to seismic sequence: case study of the Minxian-Zhangxian Earthquake on 22 July, 2013, China |
Poster 200K | 5.2 | Johnson, N.E., Whaler, K.A., Hautot, S., Fisseha, S., Desissa, M., Dawes, G.J.K. | Magma imaged magnetotellurically beneath an active and an inactive magmatic segment in Afar, Ethiopia |
Poster 158J | 5.2 | Kanda, W. , Ogawa, Y. | Three-dimensional electromagnetic imaging of the NE Japan arc revisited by using geomagnetic transfer function data |
Poster 202K | 5.2 | Kiyan, D., Jones, A.G., Fullea, J., Ledo, J., Siniscalchi, A., Romano, G. | Three-dimensional crustal and lithospheric structures of Atlas Mountains of Morocco inferred from magnetotelluric imaging as part of the PICASSO/TopoMed Project |
Poster 064E | 5.2 | Kühn, C., Küster, J., Brasse, H. | Revisiting Central Andean conductivity anomalies with three-dimensional inversion of magnetotelluric data. |
Poster 188K | 5.2 | Ledo, J., Garcia-Yeguas, A., Piña-Varas, P., Ibañez, J., Queralt P., Marcuello, A., Prudencio I. and Díaz A. | Combination of 3D MT and seismic velocity models: Tenerife Island (Spain) |
Poster 122I | 5.2 | Liu, Y., Yixian, X., Bo, Y., Yong, L., Sheng, Z., Binhua, L. | The slab window formed in the Late Paleozoic subduction in Western Junggar, NW China: Evidence from magnetotelluric imaging |
Poster 172J | 5.2 | Mansoori, I., Oskooi, B., Pedersen, L.B., Koyi, H.A. | Conductivity structure of Neyriz Ophiolites, Iran |
Poster 174J | 5.2 | Meqbel, N., Ritter, O., Weckmann, U., Muñoz, G. | A magnetotelluric transect across the Dead Sea Basin: deep electrical conductivity structures |
Poster 096H | 5.2 | Naganjaneyulu, K., Ledo, J.J., Queralt, P., Marti, A., Marcuello, A. | Three dimensional electrical resistivity images of Kutch Rift Basin, India |
Poster 198K | 5.2 | Novák, A., Harangi, Sz., Kiss, B., Seghedi, I., Lukács, R., Szarka, L., Wesztergom, V., Ádam, A., Lemperger, I. | 2-D and 3-D magnetotelluric modeling to support the petrological result for the nature of the magma storage system beneath the Ciomadul volcano (SE Carpathians) |
Poster 058D | 5.2 | Nurhasan, N., Sutarno, D., Ogawa, Y., Prihantoro, R., Sugiyanto, D. , Ismail, N., Kimata, F. | Electrical resistivity imaging of Sumatran Fault based on Magnetotelluric data |
Poster 160J | 5.2 | Ogawa, Y., Ichiki, M., Kanda, W. | Three-dimensional resistivity structure under Quaternary calderas in NE Japan |
Poster 072F | 5.2 | Peacock, J., McPhee, D., Mangan, M., Ponce, D. | Searching for Magma in Mono Basin, California |
Poster 070F | 5.2 | Pérez-Flores, M.A., Herrera-Barrientos, F., Gómez-Trevino and Romo-Jones, J.M. | Resistivity Image of the San Andreas Fault System around the Cerro Prieto Geothermal area. |
Poster 196K | 5.2 | Pous, J., Mena, I., Seillé, H., Martin, C., Heise, W., Monteiro Santos, F., Martí, J. | The Tenerife plumbing system imaged from long period magnetotelluric data |
Poster 078F | 5.2 | Schultz, A., Egbert, G., Bowles-Martinez, E., Key, K., Constable, S., Livelybrooks, D., Bedrosian, P. | Magnetotelluric observations beneath Cascadia using a huge array – preliminary results from the MOCHA Project |
Poster 056D | 5.2 | Selway, K., Bedrosian, P.A. | Incipient rifting and magmatism in the East Africa Rift |
Poster 048D | 5.2 | Sinischalchi, A., Kiyan, D., Romano, G., Ledo, J., Jones, A.G., TopoMed MT Team | Electrical signature of the Marrakech High Atlas inferred by 3D MT modeling |
Poster 134I | 5.2 | Sokolova, E., Israil, M., Golubtsova, N., Gupta, P., Pushkarev, P., Cherevatova, M., Smirnov, M. | Crustal conductivity anomalies of Garhwal Himalaya illuminate regional seismotectonic pattern |
Poster 154J | 5.2 | Tang, J., Zhao, G., Chen, X., Zhan, Y., Wang, L., Xiao, Q., Han, B., Deng, Y. | The preliminary observation of CSELF monitoring network for earthquake |
Poster 050D | 5.2 | Tarits, P., Plasman, M., Hautot, S., Gama, R., Mtelela, K., Tiberi, C., COLIBREA Team | The study of the continental lithospheric break-up in east Africa: Example of the Tanzanian Rift |
Poster 168J | 5.2 | Uyeshima, M., Ogawa, Y., Ichiki, M. | PT and IV imaging of source regions of normal faulting sequences induced by the 2011 M9.0 Tohoku-Oki earthquake |
Poster 110H | 5.2 | Wang, L., Zhao, G., Chen, X., Tang, J., Cai, J., Zhan, Y., Han, B., Cheng, Y., Zhao, L., Deng, Y., Qiao, L. | The resistivity variations in aftershock time of LuShan Ms 7.0 earthquake |
Poster 092H | 5.2 | Wannamaker, P.E., Evans, R.L., Maris, V., Unsworth, M.J., McGary, R.S. | Segmentation of plate coupling, fate of subduction fluids, and modes of arc magmatism in Cascadia, inferred from magnetotelluric resistivity |
Poster 094H | 5.2 | Wannamaker, P.E., Hill, G.J., Maris, V., Ogawa, Y., Stodt, J.A., Selway, K.M., Boren, G., Bertrand, E.A., Green, M., Ayling, B.F., Feucht, D.W. | Magnetotelluric transect of the central transantarctic mountains with implications for rift shoulder support and thermal regime |
Poster 186K | 5.2 | Yakar, B., Tank, S.B., Cengiz, Ö., Ogawa, Y. | Electrical resistivity structure at the central Anatolian Fault Zone: Results from 2D and 3D inversion of wide band magnetotelluric data |
Poster 106H | 5.2 | Yan, Z., Unsworth, M., Xiaobin, C., Guoze, Z., Lingqiang, Z., Juntao, C., Qibin, X., Hao, Y., Lifeng, W., Liang, Q., Bin, H., Yuanzhi, C., Yan, D. | Deep seismogenic structures for the Wenchuan (Mw7.9) and Lushan(Mw6.7) earthquakes in the eastern margin of the Tibetan plateau: A magnetotelluric study |
Poster 124I | 5.2 | Yuanzhi, C., Ji, T., Xiaobin, C., Zeyi, D. | The study of the deep electric conductivity structure of Sichuan-Yunnan region block |
Poster 138I | 5.2 | Zhao, G., Zhan, Y., Wang, L., Chen, X., Xiao, Q., Tang, J., Liu, Y., Liu, G. | Construction of China first earthquake CSELF observation network |
Poster 108H | 5.2 | Zhao, L., Zhan, Y., Wang, L., Chen, X. | The deep electrical structure of northeastern margin of the Qinghai-Tibet plateau and seismogenic environmental of 7.22 MinxianZhangxian Ms6.6 Earthquake |
Oral | 5.2 | Díaz, D., Zamudio, F. | Electrical resistivity model of the Lastarria volcano (Central Andes) |
Oral | 5.3 | Nieuwenhuis, G., Unsworth, M.J., Liddell, M., Yin, Y. | Regional electrical resistivity structure and anisotropy in cratonic lithosphere, Alberta, Canada |
Oral | 5.3 | Gupta, P.K., Israil, M., Sokolova, E., Mamoriya, P., Varsheney, S.K. | Geometry of main Himalayan Thrust in Garhwal Himalaya, India: as delineated by magnetotelluric data |
Poster 220L | 1.1 | Becken, M., Schmalzl, J., Böhmer, B., Ueding, S. | Development of a E-field data logger and of time series processing tools in matlab |
Poster 166J | 4.5 | Bowles-Martinez, E., Schultz, A., Vincent, P. | Time-lapse monitoring of a CO2 injection in a saline aquifer using 3D MT, IP, DC resistivity, and InSAR |
Poster 152J | 4.5 | Bär, M., Börner, J.H., Spitzer, K. | Designing a TEM experiment for monitoring the CO2 sequestration site Bécancour, QB, Canada |
Poster 164J | 4.5 | Campanyà, J., Ogaya, X., Jones, A.G., Rath, V., Ledo, J., McConnell, B., IRECCSEM TEAM | IRECCSEM: Evaluating Ireland’s potential for onshore carbon sequestration and storage using electromagnetics |
Poster 022B | 4.4 | Figula, J., Stefaniuk, S., Cygal, A., Sada, M., Kret, A. | Comprehensive electromagnetic data interpretation (MT/AMT, CSAMT, TDEM, IP methods) for recognition of structural geology and oil & gas fields |
Poster 024B | 4.4 | Goswami, B., Weitemeyer, K., Minshull, T., Sinha, M., Westbrook, G. | A controlled source electromagnetic study of gas hydrates at the Vestnesa Ridge, West Svalbard continental margin |
Poster 016A | 4.4 | Hartmann, A., Vianna, A., Maurer, H.-M., Sviridov, M., Martakov, S., Lautenschläger, U., Boesing, D., Antonsen, F., Olsen, P. A., Constable, M. V. | A new extra-deep azimuthal resistivity measurement: Verification of responses |
Poster 216L | 1.1 | Henry, S., Pozzo di Borgo, E., Danquigny, C., Cavaillou, A., Cottle, A., Febvre, P., Gaffet, S., Pipe, M. | Monitoring magnetotelluric signals with multiple underground SQUID magnetometers |
Poster 240M | 1.1 | Hölz, S., Jegen, M. | Sputnik - A two polarization transmitter system for marine controlled source electromagnetics on small scale targets |
Poster 242M | 1.1 | Ingerov, I. | Multifunction electroprospecting instruments for complex investigations, mapping, monitoring and exploration in a wide depth interval |
Poster 244M | 1.1 | Ingerov, I. | Multifunction seabed EM receivers for coastal shelf and transition zones exploration |
Poster 206L | 1.1 | Kai, C., Wei, W., Deng, M., Wang, Z.-D., Wang, M. | A low noise E-field sensor for marine MT & CSEM |
Poster 192K | 1.1 | Klose, R., Rettig, S., Schüler, M., Müller, C., Ritter, O. | Geo-electromagnetic instrumentation at GFZ Potsdam |
Poster 032B | 4.4 | Lüdemann, M., Cukur, D., Hartung, P., Sommer, M., Hölz, S., Jegen, M. | Interpretation of mCSEM data acquired with the GEOMAR Sputnik transmitter system for the characterization of gas hydrates in the vicinity of a fluid-escape chimney in the Nyegga pockmark field, offshore Norway |
Poster 162J | 4.5 | McLeod, J., Craven, J., Ferguson, I., Giroux, B. | Magnetotelluric and controlled-source EM study of CO2 sequestration at the Aquistore site, near Estevan, Saskatchewan, Canada |
Poster 264N | 1.1 | Mogilatov, V., Goldman, M., Persova M., Soloveichik, Yu., Zlobinskiy, A. | Novel high resolution geoelectromagnetic technology for exploring high latitude Arctic regions using drifting ice floes |
Poster 218L | 1.1 | Moulton, C., Bedrosian, P.A. | An inexpensive status-of health monitor for long-period magnetotelluric instruments |
Poster 268N | 1.1 | Müller, H., Baasch, B., Kulgemeyer, T., von Dobeneck, T. | Electromagnetic imaging of surficial sediment distribution and stratification in continental shelf systems |
Poster 201K | 1.1 | Narod, B. | New crystalline permalloy materials for low-noise ring-core fluxgate sensors |
Poster 266N | 1.1 | Neuhaus, M., Virgil, C., Ehmann, S., Hördt, A., Leven, M., Steveling, E. | Measurement and interpretation of three-component borehole magnetic data |
Poster 148J | 4.5 | Ogaya, X., Ledo, J., Queralt, P., Jones, A.G., Marcuello, A. | An approach for monitoring resistivity variations using surface magnetotellurics |
Poster 256N | 1.1 | Perrier, F., Lalanne, X., Chulliat, A., Telali, A., Heumez, B., Hulot, G., Girault, F., Tarits, P., Hautot, S., Crockett, R., Bollinger, L. | Permanent electric dipoles in the magnetic observatory of Chambon-la-Forêt, France: preliminary results |
Poster 178K | 1.1 | Perrier, F. | Long-term stability and installation bias of Petiau clay electrodes |
Poster 254N | 1.1 | Petzke, M., Virgil, C., Auster, H.-U., Glassmeier, K.-H., Hördt, A. | Aeromagnetics with an unmanned airship |
Poster 197K | 1.1 | Pfaffhuber, A., Hendricks, S. | Innovations in frequency domain HEM triggered by sea ice studies - tackling drift for |
Poster 190K | 1.1 | Pronenko, V., Prystai, A., Korepanov V. | Electric field measurements by magnetotelluric sounding |
Poster 180K | 1.1 | Przyklenk, A., Hördt, A. | Complex capacitive resistivity and the resolution capability of electrical parameters |
Poster 150J | 4.5 | Queralt, P., Ledo, J., Marcuello, A., Ogaya, X., Vilamajó, E., Escalas, L., Bosch, D., Bourgeois, B., Rondeleux, B., CIUDEN Team | An overview of the electromagnetic studies at the Hontomín CO2 storage site (Spain) |
Poster 199K | 1.1 | Radic, T. | Chameleon - Multipurpose equipment for geoelectrical measurements. |
Poster 014A | 4.4 | Rees, N., Krieger, L., Heinson, G. | Magnetotelluric monitoring of coal seam gas depressurisation |
Poster 230M | 1.1 | Saraev, A., Simakov, A., Shlykov, A., Tezkan, B. | Controlled source radiomagnetotellurics: a tool for near surface investigations in remote regions |
Poster 232M | 1.1 | Schwalenberg, K., Mueller, H., Engels, M. | GOLDEN EYE – A new electromagnetic loupe for seafloor massive sulfide exploration |
Poster 228M | 1.1 | Simakov, A., Saraev, A., Antashchuk, K. | Application of the controlled source radiomagnetotellurics for the solution of engineering tasks |
Poster 006A | 4.4 | Solon, F.F., Fontes, S.L., La Terra, E.F. | Electromagnetic studies in the Parnaíba Basin: structural characterization by MT imaging |
Poster 194K | 1.1 | Steuer, A., Schildknecht, F., Noell, U. | TorusTEM – a floating system |
Poster 252N | 1.1 | Sun, H., Li, X., Qi, Z., Lu, X., Zhang, Y., Li, S. | A zeppelin experiment to study semi-airborne time domain electromagnetic survey |
Poster 030B | 4.4 | Swidinsky, A., Sommer, M., Holz, S., Jegen, M., Berndt, C., Chi, W. | Imaging gas hydrate deposits off-shore Taiwan with marine electromagnetics using the GEOMAR Sputnik transmitter system |
Poster 008A | 4.4 | Tietze, K., Ritter, O., Verboom, B., Veeken, P. | Electromagnetic monitoring of the propagation of an injected polymer for enhanced oil recovery in Northern Germany |
Poster 208L | 1.1 | Tremaine, K., Lopez, J., Elwaseif, M., El-Qady, G. | Improved subsurface characterization using a Frequency Domain Multi-Offset Mobile EM Induction Tool |
Poster 204L | 1.1 | Wang, M., Deng, M., Wu, Z.L., Luo, X.H., Jing, J.E., Chen, K. | Marine controlled source electromagnetic transmitter |
Oral | 1.1 | Stolz, R., Chwala, A., Meyer, M., Meyer, H.-G. | Do B, not dB/dt: SQUID magnetometers for electromagnetic exploration |
Oral | 1.1 | Tcheheumeni Djanni, A.L., Ziolkowski, A., Wright, D. | Estimation of electromagnetic induction in the towed EM system |
Oral | 1.1 | Stoll, J.B., Moritz, D., Erroes, R., Tezkan, B., Bergers, R. | Airborne radioem using a remote piloted aircraft system |
Oral | 1.2 | Avdeeva, A., Becken, M., Streich, R. | Towards imaging the Earth using EM fields emitted by DC railways |
Oral | 1.3 | Jinsong S., Xuan W., ShuaiShuai W., Man L. | Enhancement of subsurface signals by integrated techniques of synthetic aperture source and bucking of EM field in MCSEM shallow water exploration |
Oral | 1.3 | Püthe, C., Kuvshinov, A., Olsen, N. | Handling complex source structures in global EM induction studies: From C-responses to new arrays of transfer functions |
Oral | 4.4 | Heincke, B., Moorkamp, M., Jegen, M., Hobbs, R.W. | 2-D and 3-D joint inversion of seismic, MT and gravity data from the Faroe-Shetland Basin |
Oral | 4.4 | Attias, E., Weitemeyer, K., Sinha, M., Minshull, T., Jegen-Kulcsar, M., Berndt, C. | A marine CSEM study for the detection of methane hydrate and free gas at the CNE03 pockmark, Norwegian Sea |
Oral | 4.4 | Rippe, D., Engels, M., Schwalenberg, K., Scholl, C. | Constraints on gas hydrate distribution from marine CSEM on Opouawe Bank, Hikurangi Margin, New Zealand |
Poster 007A | 4.3 | AshokBabu, G., Kumar, B.K., Prasad, K.N.D. | High resolution Controlled Source Audio-frequency Magnetotellurics (CSAMT) and DC Resistivity for imaging basemetal deposits – A comparative study |
Poster 296P | 3.5 | Autio, U., Smirnov, M. Yu., Varentsov, I. M., Ivanov, P. | A synthetic 3-D MT inversion experiment simulating a mineral exploration target |
Poster 283O | 3.5 | Bakker, J., Kuvshinov, A. | 3-D MT inversion: do we better reconstruct conductivity structures using the horizontal electric tensor? |
Poster 334S | 3.5 | Bertrand, E.A., Lindsey, N.J., Caldwell, T.G., Newman, G.A., Gasperikova, E. | Comparison of 3-D resistivity inversion models of MT array data (200+ sites) in the Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand |
Poster 285O | 3.5 | Booker, J.R., Burd, A., Mackie, R. | Three-dimensional magnetotelluric inversions can image structure outside an array |
Poster 308Q | 3.5 | Burd, A., Booker, J.R., Mackie, R. | Assessing three-dimensional magnetotelluric inversions |
Poster 320R | 3.5 | Coppo, N., Hautot, S., Tarits, P. | Evidence of the magnetotelluric 3D inversion ability to account for static shift effects: A comparison between MT and heliborne TEM |
Poster 306Q | 3.5 | Egbert, G.D., Kelbert, A., Yang, B. | The ModEM model covariance: what a user should know |
Poster 310Q | 3.5 | Grandis, H., Mogi, T. | Inversion of magnetotelluric data in 3D using MCMC algorithm: A synthetic case |
Poster 318R | 3.5 | Gribenko, A.V., Maris,V.G., Zhdanov, M.S. | 3D magnetotelluric inversion with full distortion matrix |
Poster 005A | 4.3 | Hodgson, J. | Airborne EM signature of Ireland: implications from the Tellus and Tellus Border data sets |
Poster 031B | 4.3 | Ingerov, I., Ermolin, E. | Application of magnetovariational profiling method (MVP) for geological mapping and mining exploration |
Poster 332S | 3.5 | Ivanov, P.V., Kovacikova, S., Lozovsky, I.N., Varentsov, I.M., Kirovograd WG | KIROVOGRAD experiment: On the way from 2D+ to 3D inversion models |
Poster 023B | 4.3 | Kulikov, V.A., Varentsov, I.M., Yakovlev, A.G. | Possibilities of magnetotelluric methods in geophysical exploration for ore minerals |
Poster 021B | 4.3 | Lee, S.K., Ko, H.C., Park, I.H., Cho, S.-J., Won, I.J., Frank, F. | Preliminary results and analysis of offshore experiment of ROV-towed loop EM sensor toward mapping seafloor mineral deposits |
Poster 013A | 4.3 | Nádasi, E. | Magnetoteluric survey and interpretation near Irota, Hungary |
Poster 298P | 3.5 | Persova, M., Soloveichik Yu., Domnikov P., Vagin D., Kiselev D. | An approach to 3D inversion of the time-domain marine electrical prospecting data |
Poster 330S | 3.5 | Sada, M., Stefaniuk, M., Figula, J., Cygal, A. | Influence of the ocean or sea on the magnetotelluric response – implication for 1D and 2D interpretation |
Poster 015A | 4.3 | Soeffky, P., Heinson, G., Thiel, S., Kreiger, L. | Crustal heterogeneity: a magnetotelluric case study from Olympic Dam |
Poster 294P | 3.5 | Tietze, K., Ritter, O., Egbert, G.D. | 3D joint inversion of the magnetotelluric phase tensor and vertical magnetic transfer functions |
Poster 281O | 3.5 | Uyeshima, M., Siripunvaraporn, W. | Three-dimensional inversion of MT phase tensor combined with geomagnetic transfer function |
Poster 322R | 3.5 | Walter, C., Jones, A.G., Ryan, G.A. | The importance of smoothing parameters and starting models in 3D inverse modelling: An example from the Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand |
Poster 029B | 4.3 | Yang, B., Xu, Y., Egbert, G., Liu, Y. | 3D inversion of audio-frequency magnetotelluric data in Baogutu copper deposit, Western Junggar, NW China |
Oral | 4.1 | Vilamajó, E., Rondeleux, B., Bourgeois, B., Queralt, P., Marcuello, A., Ledo, J. | First results of the baseline EM monitoring experiments at the Hontomín CO2 storage site (Spain): LEMAM and borehole-to-surface CSEM |
Oral | 3.2 | Ye, Y., Li, Y. | An adaptive finite-element method for 3D direct current resistivity modeling |
Oral | 3.2 | Jaysaval, P., Shantsev, D., de la Kethulle de Ryhove, S. | A Schur complement based fast multi-model finite-difference CSEM simulations |
Oral | 3.2 | Puzyrev, V. | 3D modeling for multiple source locations using block Krylov methods |
Poster 305Q | 3.3 | Autio, U., Smirnov, M., Savvaidis, A., Soupios, P., Bastani, M. | Combination of CSRMT, TEM and AMT methods in mapping of a sedimentary basin |
Poster 321R | 3.4 | Candansayar, M.E., Tezkan, B., Özyildirim, Ö, Adrian, J., Demirci, I. | 2D joint inversion of Radio-Magnetotelluric and DC Resistivity data incorporating surface topography and sequential inversion of IP data |
Poster 329S | 3.4 | Cygal, A., Stefaniuk, M., Mackowski, T., Kret, A. | Calculation of the seismic static corrections based on interpretation of EM data, for thick complexes glacial sediments |
Poster 229M | 3.3 | Dehiya, R., Singh, A., Gupta, P.K., Israil, M. | Interpretation of CSEM data using 2D block inversion algorithm |
Poster 309Q | 3.4 | Demirci, I., Dikmen, Ü., Candansayar, M.E. | Joint inversion of Magnetotelluric and local earthquake data: Preliminary results |
Poster 317R | 3.4 | Demirel C., Candansayar M.E. | A new joint inversion algorithm for cross-hole resistivity data |
Poster 263N | 3.3 | Galiana, S., Garcia, X. | 2.5D inversion of frequency domain CSEM data using a PDE constrained optimization technique |
Poster 239M | 3.3 | Grayver, A.V. | Solution of large-scale EM inverse problems using adaptive finite-element method |
Poster 267N | 3.3 | Guo, R., Dosso, S.E., Liu, J., Liu, Z., Tong, X. | Frequency- and spatial-correlated noise on magnetotelluric inversion |
Poster 219L | 3.3 | Günther, T. | Sensitivity and resolution study of frequency domain EM surveys for salt water problems |
Poster 189K | 3.3 | Hayward, T., Ferguson, I. | Using MT results to predict HVDC electrode responses: comparison of TE and TM sensitivity functions for 1D anisotropic rocks |
Poster 176K | 3.3 | Ivanov, P.V., Varentsov, I.M. | 3D inversion of a simple synthetic MT/MV data set |
Poster 179K | 3.3 | Kamm, J., Pedersen, L.B. | Three-dimensional inversion of airborne tensor VLF data using integral equations |
Poster 215L | 3.3 | Kirkby, A., Heinson, G. | Can we detect variations in subsurface fracture characteristics using 1D anisotropic inversion of MT data? |
Poster 243M | 3.3 | Kordy, M., Wannamaker, P., Maris, V., Cherkaev, E., Hill, G. | Three-dimensional magnetotelluric inversion including topography using deformed hexahedral edge finite elements, direct solvers and data space Gauss-Newton, parallelized on SMP computers. |
Poster 284O | 3.3 | Linjiang, Q., Changfu, Y. | Imaging anisotropy of magnetotelluric tensor responses data |
Poster 231M | 3.3 | Malecki, S., Börner, R.-U., Spitzer, K. | A 3D transient electromagnetic positioning method for a magnetic dipole source using receivers within Freiberg's Research and Educational Mine "Reiche Zeche" |
Poster 333S | 3.4 | McCalman, L., O'Callaghan, S.T., Reid, A., Shen, D., Krieger, L., Carter, S., Beardsmore, G., Bonilla, E.V., Ramos, F.T. | Joint distributed Bayesian inversions of geophysical data |
Poster 195K | 3.3 | Moorkamp, M., Avdeeva, A., Tietze, K. | Some thoughts on measures of misfit in magnetotelluric inversion |
Poster 241M | 3.3 | Patzer, C., Franke-Börner, A., Wilhelms, W., Börner, R.U., Spitzer, K. | Two-dimensional finite element inversion algorithm for magnetotellurics |
Poster 251N | 3.3 | Pek, J., Beka, T., Smirnov, M. | Static shift and logarithmic conductivity extensions to the 2D magnetotelluric inversion for anisotropic conductivities |
Poster 207L | 3.3 | Persson, L., Kamm, J., Erlström, M. | Integration of different airborne electromagnetic datasets on Gotland |
Poster 335T | 3.4 | Pirttijärvi, M., Abdel Zaher, M., Korja, T. | Combined inversion of airborne electromagnetic and static magnetic field data |
Poster 187K | 3.3 | Scheunert, M., Afanasjew, M., Börner, R.-U., Eiermann, M. ,Ernst, O. G., Spitzer, K., Stein, S. | Inversion of helicopter electromagnetic data using a full 3-D inversion algorithm in the context of a “cut-&-paste” strategy |
Poster 331S | 3.4 | Schnaidt, S. and Heinson, G. | Pareto Efficient Multiobjective Joint Optimisation of Geophysical Data Sets |
Poster 193K | 3.3 | Schwalenberg, K., Engels, M., Gehrmann, R., Moghadas, D., Mir, R. | Interpretation of marine time domain CSEM data from the German North Sea using different 1D inversion schemes |
Poster 205L | 3.3 | Shantsev, D.V., Gabrielsen, P.T. , Tah B.T.L., Markhus, V. | Value of CSEM data at low signal-to-noise ratios |
Poster 297P | 3.3 | Shlykov, A., Saraev, A. | Estimations of the macro-anisotropy of geological sections using data of the controlled source radiomagnetotellurics |
Poster 217L | 3.3 | Singh, A., Dehiya, R., Gupta, P.K., Israil, M. | Development of block Inversion algorithm and its comparison with cell inversion schemes |
Poster 253N | 3.3 | Sommer, M., Avdeeva, A., Jegen, M. | 3D-marine tCSEM inversion using model reduction in the Rational Krylov subspace |
Poster 282O | 3.3 | Spangenberg, H., Becken, M., Siemon, B. | Incorporating HEM resistivity models as prior model into AMT inversion: a synthetic model study for the Cuxhaven Valley in Northern Germany |
Poster 181K | 3.3 | Ullmann, A., Siemon, B., Scheunert, M., Afanasjew, M., Börner, R.-U., Spitzer, K., Miensopust, M. | Combined 1-D and 3-D inversion of helicopter-borne electromagnetic data |
Poster 293P | 3.3 | Varentsov, I.M., Lozovsky, I.N., KIROVOGRAD WG | KIROVOGRAD experiment: 2D+ inversion of MT/MV data along the ZHIZDRA profile |
Poster 295P | 3.3 | Varentsov, I.M. | The resolution of joint 2D inversion of MT/MV data in the search for conducting ore targets near conducting background layers |
Poster 191K | 3.3 | Vöge, M., Park, J., Viken, I. | Multi-line 2D inversion of marine CSEM data using 3D regularization |
Poster 319R | 3.4 | Weißflog, J., Eckhofer, F., Börner, R.-U., Eiermann, M., Ernst, O.G., Spitzer, K. | A joint approach to inversion of DC resistivity and EM methods |
Poster 307Q | 3.3 | Wilhelms, W., Börner, R.-U., Spitzer, K. | All-at-once inversion results for three-dimensional magnetotellurics |
Poster 255N | 3.3 | Yogeshwar, P., Tezkan, B., Martin, R. | 2D inversion of central loop transient electromagnetic data from the Azraq area, Jordan |
Poster 265N | 3.3 | Zhdanov, M.S., Cuma, M., Endo, M., Mattsson, J. | Anisotropic inversion of towed streamer EM data using integral equation method |
Poster 227M | 3.3 | Özyildirim, Ö., Candansayar, M.E., Tezkan, B., Adrian, J. | Two dimensional inversion of magnetotelluric and radiomagnetotelluric data by using unstructured mesh |
Oral | 3.2 | Noh, K., Oh, S., Seol, S.J., Lee, K.H., Byun, J. | Three-dimensional controlled source electromagnetic responses of an electrically conductive anomaly and a magnetically permeable anomaly |
Oral | 3.2 | Wittke, J., Tezkan, B. | Direct meshless magnetotelluric modeling |
Oral | 3.2 | Schwarzbach, C., Caudillo-Mata, L. A., Ruthotto, L., Haber, E. | Multiscale methods for Maxwell's equations |
Oral | 3.3 | Nittinger, C., Becken, M. | Magnetotelluric inversion with wavelet sparsity regularization |
Oral | 3.5 | Koch, S., Kuvshinov, A. | Results from 3-D EM inversion of Australian array (AWAGS) ground based geomagnetic Sq data |
Oral | 3.5 | Rosas-Carbajal, M., Linde, N., Peacock, J., Zyserman, F. I., Kalscheuer, T., Thiel, S. | Probabilistic 3D time-lapse inversion of magnetotelluric data to infer mass transfer in a geothermal system. |
Oral | 5.3 | Kütter, S., Weckmann, U. | Electrical conductivity structure of the southern Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa |
Oral | 5.3 | Korja, T., Vaittinen, K., Abdel Zaher, M., Pirttijärvi, M., Korja, A., Lahti, I. | Crustal conductors in a complex accretionary orogen in Fennoscandia |
Oral | 5.3 | Zhang, L., Wei, W., Ye, G., Jin, S., Egbert, G., Dong, H., Xie, C. | Three dimensional lithospheric electrical structure of the Tibetan Plateau: Preliminary results from SinoProbe magnetotelluric array data |
Oral | 6.1 | Haak, V. | The experiments with telluric currents and magnetic fields of Johann von Lamont in 1861, the sedimentary layer beneath Munich and the color theory of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe |